
With over 30 years’ experience of working in the IT industry, I am in an ideal position to help you and your business in many areas.

Technical Authoring

Every solution requires a good set of documentation behind it. In my career, I have frequently worked as part of a small development team or in a software house and the creation of high-quality technical documentation has always been a key element of my role. More recently, I have worked on dedicated technical authoring projects including: 

  • Hardware and software systems
  • Solution architecture and design
  • Testing strategies
  • User guides
  • System specifications
  • Operating manuals
  • Promotional material

With a strong history in software engineering, a good understanding of a broad range of technologies and experience in many industries I am in a good position to understand your requirements and create your professional technical documentation.

Bespoke Development

During my career as a software developer, I have experience of developing a huge range of bespoke applications. I can help your organisation to create an application tailored entirely to your individual requirements – whether this is on a large scale or simply adding some code to your existing Excel spreadsheets to automate your processes.

I have a reputation for building reliable and solid solutions. Indeed, one of my earliest developments is still going strong 30 years on.

Website Development

Either from scratch or using a content management system like WordPress, I can help you create the website your company needs to promote your business. From simple brochure sites or online stores through to complete Secure Portals where your customers can log in to manage their accounts. I have experience in all aspects of website development and can help your company understand it’s aims and reach it’s full potential.

IT Consultancy

If you simply need some independent advice, then I am more than happy to provide you with a broad range of IT consultancy – either in a one-off visit or over a sustained period as I help you deliver your project to fruition.


One of the key advantages of dealing with a small business is that I can be responsive to your needs in a way that large corporates just are not able to. When you request an update or new feature, I’ll ensure it’s delivered in a timely fashion – not stuck in a queue waiting for scheduling.

Furthermore, I deal personally with all interactions with my customers from the very first meeting to the final delivery. When you have a query or a problem, you will speak to me – not someone on a helpdesk or an anonymous online form.